Welcome to SynerG

What we do…

A consulting partner that innovates together with your organization to successfully deliver new capabilities and process improvements.

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Welcome to our website

SynerG Solutions believes innovating together is always better; as they say…two heads are better than one. 

Innovation + Improvements = Valuable Results

Whether it be a big or small initiative, we look forward to improving your business operations to drive a seamless customer experience

Ready to make
transformational changes for your organization and customers? Take a look below at the scope of services we offer and complete the contact form

Let’s Make Change Happen

Services we offer

Focus on an area(s) or leverage the full suite of services.

We innovate and work through change together as your partner, advisor, and facilitator. Our expertise will streamline the creation of new capabilities, a more productive organization, and happier customers.

Strategy & Planning

• Prioritize your Customers’ Needs
• Determine Scope and Capabilities
• Define KPIs and other Benefits
• Track Progress against Plan

Stakeholder Engagement

• Assess the Right People are Aligned 
• Monitor and Reduce Project Risk
• Develop Relationships and Improve Morale


• Develop a Communication Plan
• Create Effective Communication (Newsletters, Signage, Videos, Change Champions, and more)

Process Assessment

• Review the Current and Innovate the future
• Become an end-to-end Process SME
• Prioritize the Pain Points and Needs

People Readiness

• Prepare and Support the Organization
• Identify Organizational Gaps and Training Needs
• Conduct Surveys and Review Feedback

Results & Project Completion

• Monitor KPIs
• Ensure the Changes are Embraced
• Report Lessons-Learned
• Close the Project and CELEBRATE!